Our pillows
make homes


Traditional handwork, natural materials,
unique appeal.

Crazy about pillows and stylish homes

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100% natural materials

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Few words from our happy clients

Our home is full of Playful Pillows. They add a different character to every room and make us feel comfy. My kids just sometimes take the Playful part a bit too seriously and start a pillow fight. Well, all the more reason to buy another set of pillows!
Helen King

Playful Pillows are a colorful and affordable solution for a chic home. I always wanted to have a cozy, yet stylish apartment but I thought it would be too expensive. These pillows do the trick. My sofa never looked more inviting!
Mary Mitchell

I buy all my throw pillows at Playful Pillows. They are almost like little pieces of art. You can pick from modern colors, various shapes and even different textures. I love throw pillows! If my husband wouldn't complain, I would put them everywhere.
Anita Wilson